Saturday, January 10, 2009

Questions & Answers

  1. Q: How can I listen to music?
    A: Press the play button on player, it look like |> , or double click on the title.When you are listening to music, if you want to read other posts, you should open that link in new tab(right click on the link, choose"open this link in new tab"), or you must listen to that song from beginning.
  2. Q: What's this site's purpose?
    A: It is just a site for my hobby, listening AGM, there's no commercial purpose.
  3. Q: How can I download music?
    A: There're many good sites to download music, this site just introduces you the nice songs. However, I will make a post about downloading music.
  4. Q: What does "AGM" stand for?
    A: It stands for "Anime game music"
  5. Q: What are "AGM Song Book", "AGM Genre"...?
    A: They are this site's sections. Most of posts are put into their single section.
  6. Q: This site is not well viewed in IE, isn't it?
    A: Yes, this site is best viewed in Firefox, there will be something wrong if you use other web browsers.
  7. Q: What is lossless?
    A: It is a format of music file with high quality (nearly as good as in the studio). A best mp3 file has only 320kbps, but a lossless file can reach 1411 kbps. FLAC, APE, TTA are some of lossless format( which have been ripped). You must have software to play these file (such as Monkey's Audio)
  8. Q: I can't download from Freewebtown, why?
    A: Some site, such as Freewebtown, restrict request from some particular countries. However, you can use proxy server sites to pass it by follow these steps:
    - Copy file link (right mouse on link, choose "copy link location").
    - Go to some proxy server site, like: dyander and paste the link in the box next to the button named "SURF", then press that button.
    - Now, the download panel appears, you can download at ease.
    There are many proxy server sites, you can find some for yourself.
I will add more Q&A if I find it neccessary.

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